Und wir dachten schon, sie gönnt sich eine Fashion-Week-Pause, in London war Cara aber wieder dabei. «#MyBurberry campaign star @caradelevingne wearing @Burberry on the red carpet at the S/S16 show #LFW» @Burberry
InstagramGenau wie Schwester Poppy: «@PoppyDelevingne arrives at theS/S16 show wearing a @Burberry trench coat and fringed boots #LFW» @Burberry
InstagramWenn da nicht jemand ein kleines bisschen bei 2001er Britney Spears abgeschaut hat… «Today's first look: @fendi jumpsuit and bags, @marcodevincenzo shoes and @victoriabeckham sunglasses #TheBlondeSaladGoesToFashionWeek #MFW Pic by @timuremek_photography» @chiaraferragni
InstagramNom nom nom… «Quick trip in and out of LA means a quick trip in and out of In-N-Out of LAX.» @derekblasberg
InstagramJustin Timberlakes «Rock your Body» Video? Nö, Justin O'Sheas Schnappschuss von der Anya Hindmarch Show: «Well done @anyahindmarch #mytheresa» @justinoshea
InstagramNoch ein Screenshot aus unserem Lieblings-Video der Woche: «Knockout @emrata wearing Marc Jacobs Spring '16 for @voguemagazine. Director: @cassblackbird // Music: @jamie___xx featuring @thuggerthugger1 // Fashion Editor: @jordanbickham» @marcjacobs
InstagramSchöööön: «Gold finger @Gucci #gucciss16» @susiebubble
InstagramCarrie? Ach nee, Karlie. «Happy First Day of Fall! Loving my new @Marc.Fisher boots – pretty cool that $20 from each pair of these boots is donated to #KodeWithKarlie. How will you #MAKEYOURMARC?» @karliekloss
InstagramWhoa, wir hätten Lily Aldridge fast nicht erkannt. «@VogueMagazine Starring Mango the Cockatoo. Shot by @WillyVanderperre & Styled by my Love @TabithaSimmons Hair by @Duffy_Duffy Makeup by #Lynseyalexandra #OctoberIssue» @lilyaldridge
InstagramHappy Birthday noch mal von uns, liebe Vestibules. «To celebrate our 10th anniversary, 15% off the current collection from today until saturday!!! Tonight, Vestibule St. Peter remains open until 9pm with drinks, music and goodies from @tgvlyria and @lancomeswitzerland :-) #shopping #shoppingevening #girlsnightout! #celebration #10years #10JahreVestibule #vestibuleshop #vestibulezurich #vestibule #thank you» @vestibulezurich
InstagramPaaaarty-Schuhe! «Brightening up your Tuesday morning with @pharrell’s latest Superstar collection #tuesdayshoesday #shareyourstyle #superstars #adidasoriginals» @zalando_official