Halloween-Throwback von Amy Schumer «#tbt dressing as myself» @amyschumer …
Instagram… und Taylor Swift: «When you dress as the yellow teletubby for Halloween, but it's before Teletubbies got huge so all the kids at school ask you why you're dressed as a yellow pregnant alien.» @taylorswift
InstagramKeine verkleidet sich so gerne – und so aufwendig – wie Heidi Klum. «#heidiHalloween Such a fun night» @heidiklum
InstagramHalloween ist zwar offiziell vorbei, aber wer heute nichts besseres vor hat… «#StellaKids and @anorakmag celebrate #Stellaween with the Ghostly Colouring In Treasure Hunt Pack! Download yours at Stella's World and let the spooky fun begin!» @stellamccartney
InstagramAlso da sind wir jetzt aber ein bisschen neidisch! «WINNING. THIS CAPTURES THE BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE. #scoredatwembly? #walkedonthemoon? #wonagrammy? #foundoutmagicmikeisrealandtheyreplayingjustforme? #nope. #justthebestcakeintheworld #bestparentsbestfriendsbestbirthdaybestbestbest #best» @emilia_clarke
InstagramGigi wird zum Engel: «Couldn't keep back my tears!!!! Anyone that grew up with me knows that getting this show has been a dream of mine forever! THANK YOU @victoriassecret & @ed_razek! One of the happiest moments of my life. #vsfashionshow2015» @gigihadid
InstagramWenn die Mama den Lieblings-Popstar trifft: «… @eswmaui you are EVERYTHING. I could never get dressed up without you. So thank YOU for the #styleicon award, stylist from the heavens. You are my sartorial angel and my great friend. And thanks to @teamsaltzman and my little beauty @katehudson for supporting me. And hey #applemartin I even got to meet #selenagomez» @gwynethpaltrow
InstagramKarlie on tour: «Playing tourist today in Shanghai The Yuyuan Gardens are almost 450 years old and beautifully intact. I learned that in Chinese culture, vases are symbolic of peace. (And they are literally built into the walls)» @karliekloss
InstagramSchau an, so würde Bloggerin Kristina Bazan also in blond aussehen. Gar nicht so übel. «Today on set» @kristina_bazan
InstagramDie Schöne und… der Designer: «#LVinLA @nicolasghesquiereofficial with Rooney Mara» @louisvuitton
Instagram«#TBT to the shot that started it all and still one of my favourite portraits to date.. Photographed in Paris for @lofficielparis when I was 17... #Babyface» @rosiehw
InstagramUnd wo ist Ihr happy Place? «In my happy place #matchatea #toraya» @loudoillon
InstagramEin Emma-Watson-Tattoo? So ganz nehmen wir dir das nicht ab, James. «I 3 Hermoine. Ink by @indiangiver» @jamesfrancotv
InstagramNeues «Tattoo» Nummer 2: «Harper is a true little artist x x vb» @victoriabeckham
InstagramTouché, Marc Jacobs: «Wild??? I'd say "MILD". And to whichever guest benefitted from calling this misinformation into the Post, I only wish you good health, happiness, and a long life to enjoy taking advantage of the kindness of strangers and talking shit about others. #reallyqueen?» @themarcjacobs
InstagramRadio-Studio verlassen, Konzert abbrechen und dann via Social Media entschuldigen? Justin, Justin… «Sadly it's been a rough week for me, long days no sleep, while having to be "on" as they would say for cameras fans etc. In no way did I mean to come across mean, but chose to end the show as the people in the front row would not listen. Hopefully people will understand where I am coming from. I don't always handle things the right way but I'm human and I'm working on getting better at responding not reacting. Unfortunately people were affected by this as am I. For the people in the back I am so sorry and for anyone I may have disappointed im sorry. Sorry for wasting the tv people's time I'll be sure to make it up to you next time on tour.. With love Justin.» @justinbieber